Saturday, October 8, 2011

Newsletter 10-08-11

I hope that your child enjoyed their day off on Friday! We have a busy week coming up that is full of great activities! It is the last week of the 1st quarter! Can you believe it???

The Week Ahead:

We are working on chapter 3 in Faith First. The kids can take the online religion test on Wednesday. Once you email me the results, I will email you back to ensure that I received the test results.

We will complete the last lesson of chapter 2 on Monday. We are going to do some extra practice activities on Tuesday and Wednesday. I feel that the kids still need to work on adding, subtracting, and multiplying whole numbers and decimals. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the kids will have study guides to work on and take home. On Thursday, we are taking the math test.

We will start our literature circles over, Where the Red Fern Grows.

Please help your child remember to bring their free reading book to school every day. When kids don’t have books to read during DEAR time, behavioral issues happen that can easily be prevented.  

I hope your child has found their biography to read for their October book report. The magazine interview book report is due on Monday, October 31st.

The kids must have 15 AR points by Friday.

We will be completing a Scholastic News magazine.

We will be starting Daily Oral Review this week. The kids will have 5 sentences to correct each day. We will do this activity each day to help the students with grammar, conventions, spelling, and additional skills.
Social Studies:
We have been learning about early Americans and Native Americans. We will continue this by learning about early people from the southwest, northwest, and arctic.

We are starting our weather unit! We will start off by studying the different types of weather instruments and practice using them. Hopefully you sent in a can with your child last week. We will be making the barometers on Monday.

We will have the unit four vocabulary test on Friday.

  1. The kids will be attending a praise and worship assembly on Monday from 1-3 pm.  
  2. End of the first quarter is on Friday.
  3. Friday is Grandparent’s Day at St. James. The grandparents will meet their child at Mass. Then they will come down to the classroom and spend an hour with their grandchild. There will be snacks. Grandparents Day will end at 11, but the school day is not over. We will get out at the normal dismissal time.
  4. All 5th grade families need to send in a pack of water or 6-pack of small soda cans for the Penny Carnival on Friday October 28th.

Table Talk Questions of the Week:
    1. What does a barometer measure and how does it work? How can you use it to know what kind of weather is approaching?
    2. What adventures are happening to Billy in Where the Red Fern Grows?
    3. What have you learned about the different ways that the Native Americans from the plains used buffalo?

Have a great weekend!
-Julie Alley

Check out the kids during DEAR time on Thursday:

Kevin, Luke, Brayden, Andrew

Sarah and Gurman


Alaina, Tony, AJ





-Ms. Alley

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