Monday, May 14, 2012

Newsletter 5.14.12

Only one more newsletter left after this one! Wow the end of the year is quickly approaching. We have a great week coming up!

The Week Ahead:

The kids will be attending Mass on Wednesday for May Crowning. Please send in a flower with your child. There will be no Mass on Friday.

We are starting our Family Life unit. The kids will be using our Family Life textbook in class with me this week. I will cover the general information about growing up, and then a doctor is coming to cover the more technical information. The doctors will coming on Friday afternoon at 1:50. Dr. Jane Reardon will be speaking with the girls and Dr. Jay Crockett will be speaking with the boys. After the doctors visit, I will be sending home the text book to read with your child. The last section of the text (I cover the first section, the doctor covers the second section) will be up to you if you want to cover it with your child. This part of the book talks about marriage and I know that every family has different views on this. Feel free to keep it as long as you need and return it when before the end of the school year.

We will be working on some last pages to add to their portfolio books. The kids will be completing a page that includes all of the novels that we have read together this year. They will also be completing a Proud Page. They will pick out an assignment/test/etc that they are really proud of. They will be writing a paper of why they are proud of that piece.

We will continue on with chapter eleven. We will be completing lessons 11.5-11.7. We will review on Thursday and the last math test will be on Friday.

We will check Unit 17 on Friday. There will not be a test over this unit.

Social Studies:
The kids will be learning about the Preamble. The short quiz over the Preamble will be next Tuesday.

The kids will be making recycled solar system models in class. They will work in groups to decide how they want to assemble their solar system. They will bring creative items from home to make a unique solar system model. The kids will present their models to the class next week.

The final book report is due on Friday. The only part left to complete of their author study is the List A and List B projects. The kids are to pick ONE item from List A and ONE item from List B to complete at home
We finished The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle and they loved it! I have one last book to read with the kids. It is called Esio Trot by Roald Dahl. We will start this book on Tuesday.

  • If you read the school newsletter, please disregard the note about the 5th grade going to Fuji Steakhouse. We will not be going there this year.

  • May Crowning is on Wednesday. Your child can be out of uniform on Wednesday if they are in their "Sunday best" clothing. No jeans please. They also need to bring a flower. 

Table Talk Questions:
    1. What item did you pick for your "Proud Page?" Why are you proud of this item?
    2. How do you find the volume of prisms, cylinders, cones, and pyramids?
    3. What was your favorite novel that we read together this year and why?

Have a great week!
-Julie Alley

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